Thursday, January 17, 2008

why me?

so although for many i'm a little late to the party thumpin' on the blogosphere, among my peeps i'm still gettin' here early. i thought i'd better answer their immediate question in the first post...why Rhonda, why are you doing this?

as a researcher in new media, i kinda hafta be in here. a bit of participant observation if you will. and i believe that what John Gregory Dunne said is true, that "writing is manual labour of the mind: a job, like laying pipe". so it's a workout. lastly, and more seriously, i'm playing with this blog thang as a form of asynchronous conversation with the big, bad whomever, that i will lovingly call "my public".

so, my public, since research shows that less than 10% of people who read blogs ever post a comment/response, i invite you to every so often be that 10%. let's talk.

L8R, R
(ne1 can undRst if th will is thR, IMO. nuf Z)


vonjobi said...

welcome to the blogosphere!

my blog is turning 3 next month. occasionally, i post something that gets a lot of comments... but that's very rare. and it's always good to reply to comments to encourage commenters to keep coming back. i'm very bad at this =)

when i started, i was posting every day, but this year, it looks like it's going to be once every week. oh well, this probably fits some pattern, too.

btw, you don't have to spell like an undergrad or txtr to qualify as a blogger =)

Rhonda McEwen said...

oh yes you do if you are studying txtg and youth comms, but if your blog name is "vonjobi" then you are already "cool and hip! i'll check yours out.
